Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Well, summer is coming to a close, and it's been good...one of the things I did was get lighter boobs...the other ones I have weigh nearly 5 lbs...now that's just too much on the hot days we've been having... :)
I have gotten to spend lots of time with my girls, my family, and with friends...
Looking forward to school starting...always love meeting my new students and families...
Hormone Therapy is going well...hot flashes were TERRIBLE, so I chose to go on some meds to help me, and its been much better...
I have an appt. in Seattle next week to discuss whether or not I should get a hysterectomy...so we'll see how that goes...
Taking ONE day at a time...
Being grateful for each day:)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Summer=Think Time

So it's finally summer break, and its been great so far...going to the beach, swim lessons, walks...
BUT, too much time to think gets me in trouble...trying to stay positive and KNOW that all will be just as it should be, and trying to remember that I am not in control (oh yeah, that's the part I don't like!!)  I am taking ONE day at a time as I continue my hormone treatment...very emotional, very sensitive, and WOW, hot flashes.....I really don't want to waste my time with worry, but it is so much easier said than done...I will try, with each new day, to notice, give thanks, and enjoy:))))  For the support and encouragement I get from my family and friends - thank you - I am very grateful:) ox

Monday, May 21, 2012

NO thank YOU

Today, I went to visit with a Plastic Surgeon to discuss reconstruction.  One word - NO.  I got a bad feeling from the minute he walked in the room.  I was not comfortable with him, OR his little sidekick gal who just stood in the room the whole time and said nothing (but had a pin on that said - asks me about my lashes!...ugh.)
This must not be the right time...got to get myself healthier, and focus on all that I have been through already...not ready for this, and for sure NOT with that doctor...
This is just a part of the journey...yes it is...ONE day at a time...
(but doctor with fancy suit and his sidekick - NO thank YOU!)
Here we go!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Been a while since update...well, I was planning on 6 rounds of chemo, but am DONE at 5.  It is nice to be done, and nice to see some hair coming back on my head.  When I was in Maui for Spring Break, I got to meet up with a group of young cancer survivors and go rowing with them...they gave me a "power name" because they all had one, and they think its good to carry it with you - my name is SPROUT - partly because my hair is sprouting, but also for new beginnings:)  I found it quite fitting.  It was nice to be with a group of people who totally knew what journey I am on, and they gave me some great resources as well.
So now, with the change of docs, comes a change in plans - I think Tamoxifen is all we will do (5 years) - I have yet to decide that for sure.  And so, here we go, with the NEXT thing...keeping positive and breathing deep:)

Saturday, February 11, 2012

So, what's next?

Had my 4th round of chemo on Thursday - it went fine...only ONE needle poke!!!  WOW, that nurse is getting something special:)
I met with the doctor before treatment - found out that the doc I had been working with has been placed somewhere else with Providence...so I saw a very nice, retired doctor this time, and will meet another doctor next time...and so it goes...anyway, she was telling me (and Jasen) that 4 rounds of the chemo I am on doesn't necessarily make a difference in the long run, vs. 6 rounds (which was the original plan) - so now I don't know what to do...some research and time will give the answer hopefully...a little bit of an overwhelming decision I think...because I want to be as aggressive as possible, but will that really help???
So, in 3 weeks, I'll either have chemo again, or I'll start Hormone Therapy (Lupron), which I will have once a month for at least 2 years, and I will also start taking other meds for at least 5 years...these will put me into pre-menopause...another thing to think about:)
All a bit overwhelming, but lots to be thankful for...a beautiful, loving family...lots of great friends, and a great place to go to work each day:)
Let's keep taking this ONE DAY AT A TIME!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Half-way there!

Well, even though there was a storm of enormous size, I was able to make it to my treatment this last week - which marks the half-way point for chemo...I have been up and down emotionally, and have been grateful for all of these days home with my family due to the snow...
We were able to go sledding on the BIG hill by our house, have FUN adventures in the snow for Maddie's 7th Birthday, and even had to re-schedule her birthday party for next weekend because of power outages...what a trooper!  I have the BEST family ever, and am grateful for their love and support...
I did get new boobs - I downsized:)  They are strange, but much better:)  I feel so fake when I wear them,  yet at the same time, they make me feel better in my clothes...oh, and about Erika, she's pretty much out - no offense to her, but unless someone shows me a way to make wearing that easy - it's easier for me to wear my peach-fuzz hair around with hats:)
Another bit of news - I tested negative for the BRCA gene, which leaves the fact that I got cancer so young a mystery...but good information and encouraging at the same time - as time passes, and more information is available - we may be able to find more out...for now, I am getting better every day!
So, 3 more rounds of chemo (which might mean lots more than 3 pokes because of my bad veins...) and then on to the next step...
So, today I remember that there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for NO MATTER WHAT!!!
Thanks for your continued thoughts, prayers, letters, meals, friendship, and LOVE!!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Oh Erika...

Well, I wore my wig for the first time yesterday (her name is Erika)- yes, she has a name. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet-I like the way it looks-it's just such a strange thing...
Just like anything else- this will take time to get used to..
Feeling good today-it's ONE day at a time, baby...
Oh, Erika I wonder how long you'll last today?